20th Annual NASA Great Moonbuggy Race

Registration is now open for the 20th annual NASA Great Moonbuggy Race, which challenges high school, college and university students around the world to build and race fast, lightweight “moonbuggies” of their own design.

The students’ work will culminate in two days of competitive racing April 26-27, 2013, at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Ala. NASA created the event two decades ago to complement classroom learning, provide young thinkers and builders with real-world engineering experience and inspire them to consider careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics — the STEM fields.

“It’s our goal to keep the wheels turning,” said Tammy Rowan, manager of the Academic Affairs Office at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, which organizes the race each year. “The ingenuity and enthusiasm we see among racers begins in the classroom. That first spark of interest — whether it’s in basic chemistry or astronomy or the history of spaceflight — starts the wheels turning. The Great Moonbuggy Race helps sustain that momentum, turning interest into passion, and dreams into a lifelong pursuit of new answers and new horizons.”

International registration for the 2013 race closes Jan. 7.  Registration for U.S. teams closes Feb. 4. Participating high schools, colleges and universities each may register up to two teams and two vehicles. For complete rules and to register, visit:


New NASA Online Science Resources Available for Educators and Students

NASA has a new online science resource for teachers and students to help bring Earth, the solar system, and the universe into their schools and homes.  Called “NASA Wavelength,” the site features hundreds of resources organized by topic and audience level from elementary to college, and out-of-school programs that span the extent of NASA science.

Educators at all levels can locate educational resources through information on educational standards, subjects and keywords and other relevant details, such as learning time required to carry out a lesson or an activity, cost of materials and more.

For access to NASA Wavelength, visit:  http://nasawavelength.org
For information on NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, visit:  http://science.nasa.gov/


Welcome to the new Utahspacegrant.com!

We’ve been doing some remodeling in order to make the utahspacegrant.com site more user friendly, useful, and interactive. We hope it will be a tool for students and educators alike to network, stay up-to-date on current opportunities and events, and get access to information related to Space Grant.